Sunday, October 31, 2010

Ladybug spotted!

"Along the path a child walked,
he looked up and down the sunflower stalks,
looking for a bug that was red and had black spots,
the ladybug is what he sought."

...and to the starts for a better future (of eating...)
They allows us to avoid the hassle of defending their births from the pill bugs, which exist in all parts of the garden and soil.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Jumping for joy on the serpentine path at the Seeds Farm!

"The most creative and necessary work that humans can do is to work with the soil as co-producers with nature.
-Vandana Shiva

October Farmstand at City

Jill and Joseph show off a sweet Autumn table of organic flower bouquets, pumpkins and sweet potatoes!

AGRI 102 class prepping a bed in the flower garden

Students in the Intro to Sustainable Urban Agriculture class learn how to prepare a bed for planting up in the flower garden.

butterflies are tres chic!

Kaylinn shows off the latest garden fashions at the farm: Monarch Butterfly Barrettes!

Tomato hornworms are good teachers....

Joseph and Suza share their enthusiasm in having found a Tomato Hornworm in their zone of the farm. These very large caterpillars (in the 'Manduca' species) are voracious eaters of leaves, stems and sometimes even the fruits of your tomatoes. We tenderly remove all of these larval foes and plant beneficial attracting plants to bring in Trichogramma wasps that attack the eggs of these
ginormous creatures. Plants that attract the wasps are flowering plants in the Apiaceae family like Fennel, Dill and Cilantro.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Godspeed! Finally some rain! October 20th 2010

The market on Tuesday (9:30-11:30) was granted wet molecules from the sky, as well as the rest of the day.

Braising Greens Demo, led by Paul, consisted of Amaranth greens, sweet potato greens, dandelion greens, kale, soy sauce, sesame seeds and some kinetic energy (heat). The samples attracted nearby campus wild life. The mix was spectacular, not a single person displayed disappointment.

This is what Braising Greens look like when they are finished.

Here are some of the various emotions the campus wild life displayed, during the braising green extravaganza.

Some campus wild life frown upon those who hustle the farmers.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

"Morning Kaylinn and Julia!"

Another beautiful morning with docile Monarch butterflies...
Seeds at City farmers bring it for the SWEET POTATO Challenge!
The Rules: Make your favorite sweet potato dish ONLY with the sweet tators harvested from the Seeds garden.
The Challengers: Paul, Jill, Oscar
The Menu: Paul's undeniably Yummy Patties, Jill's spiced Sweet Potato ice cream, and Oscar's kickn' Sweet Potato Lasagna.
And the winner is... Oscar! Congratulations farmer and to all the Challengers!