Nilah separates the chaff from the seed of the Amaranth plant.
Amaranth is a high protein grain from South and Central America. It grows very well in our poor soils and is relatively drought tolerant.
Ah ha! We've created conditions conducive to critters!
A Lesser Goldfinch visits regularly to the farm for a lunch of fresh sunflower seeds!
You can also eat the leaves- a simple recipe is to saute some onion and garlic in a pan and then add the washed leaves. The water sticking to the leaves is enough to cook them- and they're delicious!
Ah Miss Julia, we are celebrating the saving of seed with you up at Amaranth Urban Farm. Your post just popped up in one of my keyword searches for the farm- what a lovely coincidence. Nicole was sooo excited to hear from you and learn of all the wonderful things you're doing! See pics of the farm @ and on facebook. I hope we get to see you in person soon...